Thursday, November 22, 2018

What a Week!

Tomorrow marks a week for us here in Guyana. To be totally feels more like a month. With intermittent non potable water, sand everywhere like we're living on the beach, very limited internet use, trying to learn where and how to buy food and prepare it. Seeing how much work needs to be done here as far as the Church's a bit overwhelming. The people and the missionaries are the best of it all though. I am very happy and feel joy in the work, it is just such extreme major adjustments to our living. 
  As I was praying this morning I asked Heavenly Father to help me not to be grumpy with all of these adjustments. Then my reading took me to Alma 26 where Ammon is talking about all that has gone on with their mission to the Anti-Nephi-Lehi's, I could totally relate in a way I never could have with out these experiences. I have just put in the phrases that spoke to me.   
The  Lord comforted me, and said: "Go amongst thy brethren,  and bear with patience thine afflictions, and I will give unto you success."
We have come, and been forth amongst them; and we have been (are trying to be) patient in our sufferings, and we have suffered every(not every, but a lot of) privation;  And we have entered into their houses and taught them, and we have taught them in their streets; yea, and we have taught them upon their hills;(we live on a hill) Yea, blessed is the name of my God, who has been mindful of this people,  I say, blessed be the name of my God, who has been mindful of us, wanderers in a strange land. Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen.
I thought that was very significant to read about thanksgiving on Thanksgiving Day! 
Yesterday, we got to take a sister missionary from our branch to the airport here in Guyana, two hours away. We took Shaq and the missionary's mom with us to help with directions. All went well and we headed home. As we were coming down the road we were motioned over by a policeman. We were coming towards them and they said they pointed the speed gun at us and we were speeding. Shaq said "no, this is not right! They are corrupt and just wanting to get money" They wrote Dave out a ticket. He told me later that wearing this Name tag over our hearts caused him to behave differently than he would have. He would have argued and defended himself but he just took it and said he would pay it. We continued home and Shag said "we need to take care of this" So he took us to another member's store who is very influential in the community. As we talked with her she told us that this particular police officer is very power hungry and that she has had dealings with her. The Sister member called the police chief and he came to the store and just took the ticket away and so we didn't have to worry about it anymore. It was quite a disturbing event and it's unnerving to think that we could be stopped and fined at anytime. We were so grateful that Shag has been our guardian angel. 
Today we went to George Town to have Thanksgiving dinner with the other senior couples and Elders in this large's a two hour drive from our place. It was a yummy dinner and fun to see some more Armies of Helaman!.   
Two missionaries headed for Barbados from Guyana.
The brother in the purple is Shaq.
This is Dave with the police
Interesting way to transport fish. Look how huge they are! 
Lots and lots of houses have these piles of white sand in their front yards. They use it to build put on their homes. They call Linden the sand box because of how much sand is everywhere and gets everywhere. 
This is a floating bridge we had to take across the river to get to La Grange where our Thanksgiving dinner was held.
This is the church building in La Grange. Very lovely!
The senior couples here in George Town. 
Elder O'Dair, Elder Bohne, Elder Weeks, 
Sister O'Dair, Sister Bohne, Sister Weeks
Elders playing on the church grounds. 
Everyone shared what they were grateful for before we ate. 
Elder Weeks taking our missionaries out to the bank. The one in the front Elder Bramdeo and Elder Dapat.  Love these guys!

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