Sunday, September 1, 2019

Preparing the Garden

Almost 10 months here on our mission! As the days go by I wonder if we are accomplishing anything. My mind often goes to that wonderful talk by President Hinckley where he tells his dad that his mission is a waste of time and money. It is a very comforting talk for a missionary because, although I have not talked to EVERY missionary, I'm sure that thought crosses the mind and heart of many at some time.  Then I remember what President Hinckley's father said " Forget yourself and get to work!" So, we do. It is helpful to look back at the 10 months and recollect the things we have been involved in.

 In Linden: I worked with and loved on the Primary children and we performed our Primary Program for the branch. The kids loved singing and saying their parts. Dave was the branch clerk and worked closely with the Branch President and helped with training. Dave and I taught seminary and grew to love our students very deeply. We worked at finding a place for a new church building (which is still  in the process, unfortunately) We were able to help Pamela and Joel get married and then get baptized! We also got to be involved in other baptisms. We were able to locate nearly everyone on the branch roster and get them pinned on a map. We also got to be involved with the Young Single Adults and taught a temple preparation class. We are still working on getting Haniff and Molly to the temple. We loved being involved with the young Elders too. Elder Weeks rebuilt 7 bikes for the Elders and for a member. The greatest blessing of all was just being able to love the people!

Here in Tobago: We have located and pinned nearly every member on a map. We have been involved in the teaching and baptizing of three people. We are teaching a temple prep class, holding a gospel lesson night each week, Helped with organizing the Ministry routes for the Elders quorum and Relief Society. I am serving and mentoring the sisters as the Relief Society Presidency 2nd Counselor and Dave is serving and mentoring the Branch leadership as the Branch Presidency 2nd Counselor and also serves as the Branch Clerk. Dave has taken charge of managing and repairing of the church building with termite control, air conditioning maintenance, building re-keying and repaired the church organ. A large part of what we do is teaching the leaders the Lord's way of ministering and administering among the saints. We are in the process of getting two young people out on their missions. So, I guess we have been doing alright.

This week we visited with Angie who is still waiting for her baby to get here. It should be anytime now. We taught another temple prep class on Thursday and We held our gospel lesson night but no one came. We took a day and went to another set of waterfalls, and August 31st is Trinidad and Tobago's Independence Day so we went to the parade. Tobago has a population 66,000. Bountiful has a population of 45,000.  So, it really doesn't have a ton of people living here. One of our members was marching in the parade with the girl scouts. Scouting is really big here for both boys and girls.

Today as the Sacrament was being passed our Relief Society President felt like she was having a heart attack. She does have congestive heart failure, so Dave and I drove her to the hospital and I stayed there until Dave could get back after the rest of church and temple prep class. We will go and drive her home when she gets released late this evening. She is quite an amazing person. She lives without water and electricity and on $510.00 TT per month which is $75 USD. She is happy and grateful. I love her dearly!

Take away from this post: We are preparing the garden. 95% of the work in a garden is long before you get to harvest any food. There is the plowing, and planting, cultivating, watering and weeding, waiting and watching. We may not see a huge difference in Tobago with our mission but we have joy in our desire to do all that we can to prepare the garden for a future harvest for The Lord. God loves all His children and we love them too especially here in Tobago! 

 We had a guest accompanist at church 
 The first baby to be born and wear the dress I made. It makes me so happy it fits!
 The mountains in Tobago. The trees move like's so beautiful!
 The trail going into the falls
 Cool mushrooms on the way
 Bamboo trees are so cool. They make interesting noises as they move in the breeze
 Looking at the fish on the lower pool
 Swimming in the upper pool
 Not a great picture but these little baby craw-fish were nibbling on my toes. 
Kind of un-nerving but it didn't hurt.
 View of the upper pool from higher up. There was a middle pool that 
60 year old people didn't try to get to.
 Part of the falls. Quite a bit smaller than the Argyle Falls
 Cool vine crawling up a tree
 Flowers, of course
 And now the parade: There are no floats. Only groups of people or bands. Steel pans.
 Not sure what armed forces they all were.
 I'm assuming this is the Coast Guard 
 Another band. They had some come from Trinidad
 Another armed force. They didn't carry any banners
 Steel pan in action
 Slightly different uniformed armed force
 And another...I just kept thinking... Look at all those potential Priesthood holders...
More Steel Pan. It is very cool
 Girl Scouts and Brownie's. This girl right in front is our Elizabeth from the branch
 Dave is recusing some damsels in distress
 I walked outside to see the fireworks and counted three of these toads on the lawn. We've seen them flattened out on the side walk around the golf course but never alive. It was like he was in a trance.
 I even got to stroke his back..I thought maybe he was dead but he finally hopped away
 I'm not great at taking pictures but you get the idea
Fireworks are always fun!  Happy Independence Day to Trinidad and Tobago!

Tender Mercies

This will be the last tale I will be recording of our Trinidad Port of Spain Mission. I will begin with the 34 hour travel time to get back ...