Sunday, December 15, 2019

This and That

Happily, I wasn't sick for too long! We recovered well in Trinidad from our travels to the DR still floating on cloud 9 for the blessing of being with the Emamudin family in the temple! Tuesday, we helped a little with the preparation for Zone Conference. Sister Ray and Locke had pretty much everything needed for the Christmas luncheon. We contributed some "funeral potatoes" made with french fries since shredded hash browns weren't available. They actually turned out pretty yummy!

Zone Conference is always a highlight for us! We love getting together with the young Elders and President and Sister Baird. We got to see Elder McIntosh! He is visa waiting in Trinidad so he was at Zone Conference. It was so wonderful to see him again!  After the wonderful training by the Elders, we got to see "The Fighting Preacher" Such a great movie and I highly recommend it if you haven't seen it. We missed our flight back "home" that evening so we flew out on standby on Thursday morning. It was nice to get back to our place. Tobago really is such a lovely island. It's a blessing to be able to serve here.

One of the really challenging things here on our mission is losing the other senior couples with few  replacements. When we started our mission in Nov. of 2018 there were 9 other couples for the 6 countries in the mission. By the middle of March we will be down to 3 couples and one single senior sister. Senior Missionaries take care of many things: Cars, housing, finances, visas, immigration, phones, transfers, self reliance, seminary and institute, YSA, humanitarian, temple prep and watching over the young missionaries and really whatever needs to be done. We have many areas and whole countries with out senior couples in them to help the work. We pray often for President and Sister Baird, who have to worry about it all plus the 103 missionaries in their care. Come and help! You won't regret it! 

It has been raining very heavily since we got back so we haven't gotten out much. We did take a nice walk along the beach by the condos when the sun broke through for a couple of hours.

It was so great to see the branch members again on Sunday at church.

This isn't mission related but I want to document it here on the blog because it happened during our mission. Our second oldest daughter turned 40 years old on the 9th of December. She chose to celebrate by going on a cruise with her husband and 4 children. While they were gone, Annie, our daughter living in Colorado decided to surprise her by redoing her kitchen. She got the funds from Kevin, Emilie's husband and solicited help from Meghan and quite a few other family members and they were able to accomplish something incredible! And they did it in just 3 days!  It just fills our hearts to over flowing to have our children take care of and watch over each other while we are away. (I selfishly wish I had been there to help, though)

 Elder McIntosh and his pseudo grand parents, we love him as our own. 
 He arrived safely in Trinidad and was greeted and taken care of by the Zone Leaders, Elder Pingel
 Zone Conference
 Always have to take a goofy picture....we really love this group!
 One of our favorite places to eat has bird feeders. These are called sugar birds
 There was one or two token blue birds along with the yellow breasted ones
 Walking along the beach
 We watched some wind surfers, they were pretty amazing
The Tobago Branch Presidency. Elder Weeks, President George and Brother Ramkissoon
 Before and After of Emilie's Kitchen. Pretty incredible!
 The master mind and her accomplice...Annie and Meghan...what a pair of angels! 

Tender Mercies

This will be the last tale I will be recording of our Trinidad Port of Spain Mission. I will begin with the 34 hour travel time to get back ...