Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's day on a Mission

Last Sunday we had our first branch counsel meeting. We discussed what to do for Mother's day. I was volunteered to get a "gift" for the ladies in our branch. I thought it would be nice if I crocheted something like a book mark. I looked on Pinterest and found a picture of a flower that I thought would make a lovely pin. So, Monday we went looking for string to make it. I had brought all my needles so I didn't need to find those. We found some red string and I began to create. Every spare minute I had I was crocheting. I was able to get 13 done with pins on the back. I think they turned out lovely and as I pinned them on each of the sisters, I was able to wish them a Happy Mother's day with a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I wish we would have gotten a picture of all of them together with their red roses pinned on them. I feel like they were happy with them. I was happy to do it for sure. We also got them a periwinkle plant and one for each sister in the branch so they could take them to the other sisters who did not come today. Hopefully, that will start some much needed ministering for each other.

We got to go to Trinidad this week for Zone Conference on Wednesday and Thursday. It truly is such a boost to sit and listen to these young missionaries teach us as well as President and Sister Baird. We really love to be there with everyone. It was sweet to hear them thank Heavenly Father with each prayer that "the Weeks' got to be here with them."  We do occasionally feel like we are quite secluded and "out of it" being here on our own.

Sister Elizabeth Winchester was set to be baptized on Saturday morning and we weren't sure where the place was so on Friday we picked up Elizabeth and her mom so they could show us where they usually have the baptisms. They said it was somewhere on a beach but right now the ocean is full of seaweed and it continues to be washed up on all of the beaches covering the sand and building up in great stinky piles. When we went to the usual baptism place and they saw the seaweed we knew we had to have a different plan. We decided that it would work to do the baptism in the pool at our condo. They were happy with that idea. We called the Branch President and a few other people to tell them of the change. They arrived at our home at 6:00 am and then the others came. We had a very homey meeting with short talks and then we walked to the pool and Elizabeth's brother Tyreese who had just been ordained a priest, baptized his little sister. It was especially sweet to see him hold her hand as they walked up out of the pool. Their mother said it was the best "mother's day" gift she could ever receive. I quite agree.

 from left: President George, Brother George, Christian, Sister George, Tyreese, Elizabeth, 
Brother Winchester, Sister Winchester, Me, Dave.
 Mother's day pins for the sisters in the Scarborough branch 
 Trinidad Zone Conference 
 The beach when we first got here on March 11th

The beach today
The seaweed in the ocean. It's called Sargassum and it has invaded many beaches in the Caribbean. Thankfully, it is only on the Atlantic side of the island and the Caribbean side has not been affected....yet, hoping not anyway. Look it up on google if you want to know more. 
They are blaming global warming and pollution. 

 The Winchester family: Tyreese, Elizabeth, Bro. Winchester, Sis. Winchester.
 We are hoping Bro. Winchester will desire to be taught the lessons next...
 Joyful baptism!
 This is bread fruit. it has a doughy bread like taste and consistency. 
Had to try it but don't think it will be on my plate again.
 It's bright green before it's cooked and is about 5 inches in diameter

This is the church architect's drawing of the church in Linden. Dave is still heavily involved in seeing this process through and getting this building done! This is super exciting!

Tender Mercies

This will be the last tale I will be recording of our Trinidad Port of Spain Mission. I will begin with the 34 hour travel time to get back ...