Tuesday, November 13, 2018

2nd Week

2nd Week of our mission. We left the MTC and slept Sunday night at home in Bountiful. We got up at 4 am and our bishop picked us up at  4:30 to take us to the airport, so we didn't have to say goodbye to our children again. What was supposed to be a twelve hour travel day turned out to be eighteen! Our plane in Miami to Curacao had mechanical problems and after sitting in the plane for two hours they decided to changed planes, so we had to disembark, unload all the luggage, walk a million miles to the other end of the airport, wait for that plane to arrive, be cleaned and luggage and passengers boarded, then we were on our way. We got to the island at 1:30 am. This is the screen shot in the airplane.
We were greeted by our mission Pres. and wife. The Baird's. We had a ton of heavy suitcases and we were pretty dead tired. We got to the mission home, which is beautiful and they visited with us until 4:00 am. We are excited to hear what our assignment will be. We will start in Guyana and help with the branch there and then when we get our visa for Trinidad we may be assigned to Tobago as the only missionaries there to help with the struggling branch. Should be very exciting and challenging.

Today we had a marathon training session with the Senior Office couple, The Parr's and the Jones'. We drove around the island and took a few pictures. The above picture is the capital of Curacao. Willemstad. We had a delicious lunch. Then more training.
In the evening we drove down to the beach and had a scrumptious Indian dinner and watched the sunset through the palm trees. It's hard to believe we are on a mission and we will be living on an island for the next 23 months or so!  Truly a blessing and an adventure!  


  1. It all sounds heavenly! (except the flight!) We are so excited for you. And more than just a little jealous. Love you!

  2. I am so excited to read about your mission. So happy for you and know that you and Dave will be the best thing that has happened to the people there. You are in our prayers.


Tender Mercies

This will be the last tale I will be recording of our Trinidad Port of Spain Mission. I will begin with the 34 hour travel time to get back ...