Sunday, February 16, 2020

Curacao office

We spend our days in the mission office in Curacao. Dave takes care of lost credit cards and 93 MSF (missionary support funds) cards, which he also loads with money each transfer, phone issues, paying rents on 55 properties in 6 different countries and 5 different currencies, keeping track of 15 credit cards in 6 different countries with 5 different currencies. Manages and maintains 30 cars in 6 different countries with 12 needing to be sold and 11 new cars replacing them.

I am involved in immigration: requesting, compiling and mailing documents for new missionaries. Ordering mission supplies. Housing: renewals, terminations, relocations, inspections and repairs. Compiling mission newsletter.
We haven't done any Zone Conference lunches or  transfers yet which involves getting missionaries to and from the airport, making sure they have money for luggage etc.
Most of these things are done once a month but everyday presents a new challenge to figure out and solve.
As you can surmise, it's quite a bit to do...there used to be 10 couples sharing all these duties with the others like medical and travel that we have not taken on, let alone, helping the young missionaries  and some members with any emergencies or needs that come up. Need I say, WE NEED SENIOR COUPLES!
Our 18 months will be up on May 5th but we told Pres. Baird that we would extend one month more to help out and hope that another couple will arrive before we go but that is not happening. Now, He'll have to do some juggling  with the senior couples he has to fill in the very critical holes.
Honestly, if you have just 6 or 9 months to give, that would be so welcome I'm sure in any mission in the world. It takes 3 to 4 months to get visas but that could be done ahead of time.
The week went by rather quickly though. We went to church on Sunday and did the best we could with singing the hymns in Spanish and greeting people. Maybe this next Saturday, we'll drive around the island a little and learn more about it.
It is nice to drive on good roads on the right side of the road too!
 Frosting Valentine cookies that Sister Baird made for the missionaries to eat and give out to people. It's fun to get to know a new batch of amazing people! 
Starting with me going left is Elder Jones, Elder Flynn, Sister Scott, Sister Patterson, Sister Baird, Elder Stauffer, Elder Hollingshead, Elder Frandsen and Elder Wardle.
 The gated entrance to our apartment
 Our apartment
 The church which is only a short 5 minute drive away
 Our office. It's the corner windows above the two pink caricatures. 
 New flowers to take pictures of...
  Cute sign which doesn't require any language...

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