Sunday, January 12, 2020

Brain Overload

Monday night we went to Diana's apartment and Dave repaired an outlet that had worn out in her apartment. I'm sure that would have been the landlord's responsibility but it was a great chance to give some service to Diana. She has been struggling with a baby born at 24 weeks gestation and has just had her home from the hospital in Trinidad for a few weeks now.  I was glad that Leana, our soon to be missionary and Diana's sister, mentioned the broken outlet or else we wouldn't have been able to help.

We flew to Curacao early Tuesday morning. The Jones picked us up, took us to buy some groceries for the week and took us to the office. We visited with the Heiners and made plans for the training for the week. We went to a gorgeous beach mall restaurant and enjoyed a lovely meal with great  company.

We started our training at nine the next day. It's quite a bit to take in all at once. In addition to our other assignments, ie: cars, housing, & mission newsletter, Dave will be over all the finances of the mission. That's all the bills ie, phones, utilities, rents, credit cards, travel, MSF funds etc. It's a good thing he is a math wiz as well as an organizational master.

My new responsibilities will be immigration, ordering, incoming and outgoing missionary letters, & mission travel. Our MLS mission has now warped into mission office. It will definitely be a different way to spend our time. Gone are the open ended days with no time constraints to speak of, coming and going as needed, filling up our days with visits, fellow shipping, teaching and some clerk/office work. We feel like previously we were working to build the Kingdom where as now we will be working to maintain the Kingdom as others work to build. I myself will become much better and more confident with the computer, and I will be driving again by myself because the roads are normal and so is the driving. We may need to give some of our previous assignments to others if we find it's too much for us to do. Especially the cars, they are extremely time consuming and involved.

We trained Wednesday though Saturday from 9 am  to 5 or 6 pm. Some pretty long, brain draining days. Dave has a way more complicated and intense assignment but I know he is up for the challenge and will do great!
We made it back home to Tobago and pray that all the training will still be in our heads when we move there Feb. 7th.
 Dinner with the office crew. We asked a waitress to take our picture and we got this view...
 and then this view. Starting left: Elder Heiner, Sister Heiner, Elder Jones, Sister Jones, me and Dave.
 Dave working on Diana's outlet. Kiara, Diana's older daughter sitting on the counter.
 The view as we walk to the ocean from our condo

The mission home in Curacao. 
The Bairds were gone traveling for Zone conference so we had the place to ourselves. 
 The mission office where we will spend most of our time. 
It's the 2nd floor corner office you can see here. 
This is in a little strip mall with a Gelato store around the about temptation! 

This is the resident peacock in the parking lot of the office

The view from the mission home.

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