The Allmans, who served here as a senior couple were here this week so we got to go out to lunch with them and then went with them to visit a few members. We were able to meet some we hadn't seen yet so that was great!
We handed out most of the ministering assignments and got quite a few positive responses about them. Our prayer is they will desire to watch over each other and bond together.
We started teaching Girley David to read this week. She can read fairly well already but I think her comprehension isn't great so we have been reading the lesson in "Come Follow Me" and dissecting almost every word to help her gain some understanding. It's been very powerful and sweet for us. The lesson was on Christ's Atonement. I will never read the scripture about "charity is not easily provoked, suffereth long and is kind, seeketh not her own, beareth all things, endureth all things etc." without applying it to our Savior and His life and sacrifice for us. For some reason I had never connected that before. Yes, it's what we are striving to achieve but Jesus lived it and showed us how to do it in such an amazing way. Nothing we go through can even compare to what Christ went through, so it is possible to overcome false judgments, rejection, unkindness, pain, loneliness....all of it with love. What a blessing to be able to "help her read"
We had teaching appointments set for Angie but she cancelled twice and we finally got to teach her on Saturday. She said she wants to get baptized which is GREAT....but she hasn't been to Church once and so we will see how that goes in the next few weeks.
The Allmans are from Norway and served an eighteen month mission here
which they finished in June 2017. Brother Allman is from Trinidad.
This is the picture of Tobago in our condo. It's like I can picture in my mind
all the coves and beaches now as I look at it.
Sister Allman and Sister Henry. We take the Sacrament to Sister Henry every Sunday.
Sister Girley. We are teaching her to read and she decided to come to Church!
Enid Roberts is a member and has an amazing talent of crocheting.
She made this lovely skirt.
Sister Williams is a member and she got married to this man on June 11th
Dave had to park in this space because is kind of had his name on it
The rainy season is upon us! We only had one day of sunshine this week.
The view I see every morning outside of our bedroom. I know, it's a tough duty!
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