Sunday, February 3, 2019

Another week gone in Guyana

This has been an eventful week for us here in Guyana. We have been wanting to drive over to Berbice to visit another senior couple, the Haakes since we got here in Linden, so Tuesday we just decided to take off. We called them and asked if we could come that day and they said "of course" and we were on our way.  It's a three hour drive and you have to go through a bit of Georgetown which is always a leap of faith. It was so much fun!!! It was a much needed break from some of the stress we were feeling. We played games and talked and they showed us around their neck of the woods. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Thanks so much to Elder and Sister Haake for giving us some much needed nurturing.
Friday, we took Pamela and Joel to Georgetown to get married! We left at 6 am and got there at 8:30 am and signed in. We were #2 that day to get married. So at 9:30 they call us in to the room. The officiator had them stand and he said "do you Joel take Pamela to be your wife?" and then "do you Pamela take Joel to be your husband?" then he had them sign the registry and then we signed it as the witnesses. then he said " I now pronounce you husband and wife. you may kiss the bride" It was short and sweet and it brought tears to my eyes to finally see this couple who have been together for such a long time be married. Now, they are right with God and can be baptized! I wasn't sure if Joel was ready to be baptized but on the way there he said that he used to smoke and drink but he would not do that anymore when he was baptized. I am excited for that day!
When we came down the stairs after the marriage, Joel's mother and sister were there waiting for them! It was so wonderful to meet them! We all enjoyed a lovely Chinese meal and then we put Granny in our car with the Maksyhungs and headed home. We had told Pamela we would drive out to see her mom in Wales which is on the way back from Georgetown, so we did. We visited with Joel's oldest daughter there and then visited with Pamela's mother. We took the Maksyhungs to their home and their children were so excited to see Granny!
We are always so hammered whenever we go to Georgetown so we just rested at home Friday night. Saturday at 11 am we had the baptism of Shane Jordan down at the river at Brother John's home. It was great! While the newly baptized members and the person who baptized are changing their clothes, the elders teach on baptism and the Holy Ghost. When I was listening to them teach the same things we always teach on baptism and the Holy Ghost, I felt the Spirit testify to me that what I was hearing was true. It was so tender to know that even though I have been taught these principles and truths my whole life and have heard and said these words hundreds of times, the Spirit still testified and confirmed to me of their truthfulness! I love that so much! I am so grateful to know that my friend the Holy Ghost will always speak and testify truth to me as long as I keep a good place for Him to do that.
After the baptism we prepared for the wedding reception for Pamela and Joel at 2 pm. We had asked some sisters in the branch to make some food and drink and we made two cakes. Then we went to the church to make sure it was clean and set up the chairs. Shaquelle, a good member of the church was cleaning and setting up so we went to go pick up the Maksyhung family.  We arrived at 1:30 and pretty much no one was ready...oh no that's not right. Romeo was mostly ready and Ra-ella and Granny were all ready. The other five members of the family were not. We walked into their home and two sweet neighbor ladies were helping Pamela with her dress and hair. She looked absolutely stunning! So we got to be close to 2pm and we knew we couldn't take everyone in our car so Pres. Ramdeholl ordered a cab for the men to go in and we would take the women. So, Joel and we thought, his three sons left in the cab. Well, only one son went with his dad and the other two ended up going with us loaded in the back trunk. We arrived a little after 2 and then Joel tells us he forgot his jacket and his sister was bringing it. The "chapel" was filled with people, which I was so glad to see. At 3pm the jacket arrives and we can begin. It was a nice ceremony and we had plenty of good food. We took lots of pictures and I think everyone had a nice time. I'm happy we got to be a part of this event and I'm happy it turned out well.
We have received our visas for Trinidad. This is bitter sweet. We love these people very much and are very invested in their welfare. We knew we wouldn't be here permanently but we didn't hold back on our love or our efforts to serve. We hope we have been helpful and hope these dear people know of our lasting love for them. We will be going to Trinidad on the 21st and then to Tobago to look for an apartment to live in. We aren't sure when we will be leaving for good yet. We will know more after we return from Tobago. Even as I write this, it isn't sinking in and I don't think I will really believe it until it actually happens. So, for now, I will soak in Guyana, even the things that are unpleasant but mostly soak in the people, soak in this experience and try to make sense of the things that I've learned or been given the opportunity to learn and be grateful for all of it!

 Elder and Sister Haake. We love them!
 They actually live in Palmyra, Berbice, Guyana
 Many of the roads look like this in Berbice. so nice!
 The houses are farther apart and have lovely yards
 A man bicycling with his bird
 More road art. It makes you wonder how long this has been there.
 There are lots of wide open areas on the way to Berbice. It's a very peaceful feeling to drive through. In our part of Guyana, the forest is so dense and the population so crowded, it can feel a bit oppressive.
 This is one of those pretty birds in a rice field. They also grow sugar cane in this area too. Interesting thing about sugar cane, they let it grow into tall stocks and then they burn the field to concentrate the sugar and then cut it down.
 Pamela and Joel signing the registry
 Just Married!
 Pamela, Joel, his mother and sister
 Pamela's mother. I think they look like twins!
 Joel's eldest daughter and his grandson. He rarely gets to see them because they live in Wales.
 Baptism of Shane Michael Jordan
 Pamela asked Dave to walk her down the aisle. He was thrilled to do so.

 Some friends and family of Pamela and Joel. They dress up so beautifully on these occasions.

 The Maksyhungs. starting left: Romeo, Renese, Pamela, Ra-ella, Joel, Romario, Ronaldo
The Maksyhungs and Us.
 These are tin cans on this plant because they have razor sharp fronds on them.
 We caught a double rainbow!
 Many houses get started and then they are left to the elements because they don't have the funds to finish them. This one is cool because of the double stairway. It makes me sad it didn't get finished, but maybe it will someday.
The handsome man is Andy Anderson. 
He has been the branch President and is now serving as YSA leader. 
This is a sign at the entrance of a housing area and that is the Guyanese flag. 

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Tender Mercies

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