Thursday, November 8, 2018

People we love!

 This is our district. These are the dear people we have worked with from the beginning. Our sweet teacher is in the middle. We have been taught how to prepare to assist the Spirit to teach by learning how to invite others to understand doctrine, commit to try and eventually change to becoming more like our Savior. It has been so enlightening to discuss and learn about the gospel with these lovely people and instructors. ( top left to right) Elder Catrell, Elder Weeks, Sister Farnsworth, Elder Attwood, Elder Hoopes (bottom left to right) Sister Catrell, Sister Weeks, Sister Attwood, Sister Hoopes.
We were walking through the MTC looking at all the beautiful murals and we came across these missionaries who will be in our mission! They all are dutch speaking but I'm sure we will get to see them now and then! We had not met anyone who was going to Trinidad yet, so this felt like a sweet miracle to meet up with them! There are over 2000 missionaries here so the odds were quite slim we should meet up with them.
We found out today that we will be flying into Curacao on Monday, Nov. 12th. Fly to Trinidad on the 15th and then fly to Guyana and stay there until December sometime....We are very interested to find out what our assignment is going to be...


  1. So excited to hear you'll be visiting Guyana, it is the promised land! Hope you get to see the East Coast & Berbice.


Tender Mercies

This will be the last tale I will be recording of our Trinidad Port of Spain Mission. I will begin with the 34 hour travel time to get back ...